Thursday, December 25, 2008

to Santa or to not Santa

Well the other day I had to take the girls into the doctor again and as we were sitting and waiting for the doctor to come in the nurse asked Teleah so is Santa coming to see you and she says in a very monitone voice "Nope hes not real" very matter of fact way she said it to I almost choked and laughed at the same time. Seriah got all panicked and said yes he is. I asked Teleah why she thinks he not real she said well Anna told me and Emma doesnt believe he is real either. I said ok all the while Seriah is more panicked about this whole conversation. I told them some people believe Santa is real and some people believe he is not and if Teleah didnt want to believe she didnt have to and if Seriah wants to she can. I just found it funny that Teleah the youngest said this fact before Seriah. But then today Teleah was talking about Santa coming tonight so who knows. Se might believe but she also might not.

Today I fell on the ice and my kids just looked at me in shock. Then on the way home we did a donut in our driveway because of all this dumb ice I will be so glad when its gone.

I hope everyiine has a good Christmas tomarrow and remeber Jesus is the whole reason we celebrate this day. If not for him we would all be lost desperate souls wiith out any hope. He truly is the reason for every season.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well we had fun last night trick or treating. Teleah really enjoyed her self this is a night made for her a night to dress up. Seriah was quite thrilled with her self because she wanted to be Lizzie Mcguire and I found the impossible.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Happy Birthday its raining"

Well a few weeks ago was our birthday and yes me and Sean have the same b-day different years.(hes older) But the day turned out to be very interesting our kids woke us up with pictures they had drew them selves. "to be a surprise" but we could here them shushing one another and arguing about the colors they needed for the picture. We layed in bed and pretended we didn't here them so they could finish. When we woke up it was raining a lot and my dad called and said happy birthday its raining. We went on to church when watseka began to flood and we were all unaware of it. After church we went to a friends house that was getting water in it to help lift their furniture so it would not get ruined again. then was a bridal shower and by the end of the day I needed a nap. So Happy birthday to us. 'lol well here's some pictures of what it looked like behind our house that day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The wedding

This weekend was Pam and Daniels wedding. We had fun and I am so happy for them. Sean was a groomsman and Teleah was a flower girl she did so good I was so proud of her. We had alot of fun and we danced all night our poor children didnt get to bed til 11pm on sunday monday morning was fun I tell you.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Seriah went to a birthday party two weeks ago for a friend at school. I was so impressed with the creative ideas this mom had. The party theme was a spa party and they all came wearing pajamas. As I walked Seriah into the party we of course crossed the red carpet very cute but im not sure my daughter got that one. Best of all though in the thank you card Seriah got from the little girl, they enclosed pictures of Seriah at the party. I loved it and here they are included in this post.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well we finally did get a cat. Me andnthe girls have been trying to get Sean to agree to it and he finally did. I think what threw him over the edge was Teleah chasing one of the cats in the neighbor hood begging it to pay attention to her. when i asked her to leave that cat alone because she didn't know that cat she informed me she had told it her name.

So we went and picked out a cat from the Champaign humane society. We looked for three hours and found a two year old cat named Prada. Although Teleah seems to think shes a dog. She keep throwing balls at her and telling her to fetch. She also wants the cat to follow her everywhere. Its kinda funny.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cheer camp

Cheer Camp Seriah did Cheer camp last week she enjoyed herself so much. Then on friday she got to cheer at a scrimage game could it get any better? She did not think so. She learned two cheers and they held her up above thier heads how scary and exciting.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer is coming to an end

Summer is almost over but we have had a lot of fun. We camped and our tent caved in on us but we still managed to find the humor in the whole situation. We have gone to the park. We had some awesome camp meetings with our church were both the girls were filled with the holy spirit and Teleah asked God into her heart. Seriah was baptized also this summer. The girls have an understanding of God that truly amazes me. Take away all of the “things” we did this summer if that knowledge had been the only thing this summer I would gladly trade the stuff for the understanding they have received. I thank God everyday for my girls and their passion I see in them.

We got to catch up with old and new friends this summer.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Seriah was baptised this weekend we were so proud of her she came to us and started asking questions and then asked if she too could be baptised. It just amazes mr the things that God is doing in my small childrens lives.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I cling to the cross

A few weeks ago the little girls in our church performed a worship song in church it was awsome and so encouraging to see these young girls worshipping and understanding what God has done for us.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wow oh wow oh man alive

Well it has been an amazing week! We had camp meetings this week with our church we had so much fun this week. We camped out for the second night! this was the very first time we had ever camped with the girls. We roasted marshmallows and made smore's (by the way it was the first time i had a smore and i liked it) Well then Teleah went to sleep fairly easy and i was in shock because as most know she just does not do well sleeping in groups. We all sept ok then around 6:30 am i was woken up to the girls screaming and crying because the tent wall on thier side had caved in from the wind and rain storm that had come on all of a sudden so we moved the to our side of the tent gave them some pop tarts while we tried to wait it out. Then as the tent was filling with water Teleah sat up and started splashing saying look mommmy i can splash so we got in the car and went home to dry off. The next night i stayed with some girls from church and we had a blast playing catch phraise til midnight. Teleah and Sean and Seriah went home they had enough with the water from the night before. But with all the fun the very best thing that happened in the camp meetings was that Teleah told me she wanted to ask jesus in her heart right in the middle of service so me and Sean took her outside and prayed with her. My little four year old when Sean asked her why she wanted to do that said "because Daddy I want to be with Jesus and the Holy Spirit" Wow she is four. So we prayed. Then the next day BOTH Teleah and Seriah were filled with the Holy Spirit in the childrens meetings. This was just an awsome week.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Some fun adult time

Last night I went to A friends house and we scrapbooked til 1am. We had so much fun laughing and goofing off. There were just five of us scrapbooking in her garage. It was a great time of laughter. I also relized I amy have gone a little camera happy on Teleahs first day of preschool. Oh well to many pictures is better then not enough.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Rules to this game of tag:1. Each player answers the questions about themselves.2. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player's blog.3. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted an answer

1. What were you doing five years ago?
Five years ago wow well I was staying home with my three year old. We lived in a small town that only had a post office and a pop machine. We were pregnant with Teleah and had no idea yet.

2. What are five things on your to do list today?
1. Clean the livingroom
2. take the kids to the library
3. Make phonecalls to family about fathers day
4. Get the girls to STOP fighting
5. Give the girls a bath they are covered in sand.

3. What are five snacks that you enjoy?
1. Colby cheese
2. Ice cream
3. Strawberries
4. Turtles
5. A nice cold pepsi

4. What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1 pay off debt
2 buy a car that is still under warenty
3. go to Disney World or Land
4. Go on a cruise
5. Maybe adopt a little boy

5. Where are five of your favorite places to travel, why?
( this make an assumption that I actually go places)
1 My Dads
2. Seans parents
3. The zoo
4. ?
5. ?

6. What are five jobs that you have had?
1. a coffee bar
2. tuxedo shop
3. telemarketor
4. Walmart
5. hardware store

7. What five people do you want to tag?
1. sally
2 mandy
3 laura
4. mary sue
5 maryann

A great hot day

Well the other day it was so hot outside we were sure that our shoes would melt to the ground. So it was Seans day off and we took the girls to the public pool here in Watseka. We had so much fun. Seriah saw some friends from school and was very happy about that. Teleah got to show off her lack of fear of the water. She had on a swim suit with floaties and arm floaties on also. She could not have gone under water if she tried to. It was a great family day.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Seriah's birthday

These where taken at Seriah's family birthday party last month. She had so much fun with all of her Mama and Papa's there not to mention aunts and uncles everywhere.

outside in the water

Today after church we all participated in family nap time. Then Sean went outside to change the oil and I was cleaning a chair with the hose and Seriah asked me if she could put on her swimsuit and get wet I said sure. Teleah then followed to do the same. I was out back when Sean came and informed me that Teleah had walked outside completely nude saying she could not get her suit on it was in her hands. He rushed her inside and help her out then for a couple hours they played in the sprinkler. At first Teleah would run under the water or around it but would not get wet. She finally got the hang of the point of the sprinkler and got all wet. Seriah and Teleah were laughing and hollering with joy. I love that sound. Well that was our very busy day. Church, nap time, a naked toddler, and playing in the sprinklers.

Monday, May 12, 2008

To much free time.

Last night we heard Teleah say mommy and daddy help me I am stuck. Sean went in the den and saw Teleah hanging from her finger tips from the king size mattress on its side. She had climbed up by her self but could not get down.
Then today Teleah anounced mommy look at me. I looked up she had stuck one half or a honeycomb in each nostril. It was so funny I thought I would burst, but of course I could not laugh so she wont keep doing it. So I got the cereal out of her nose and we discussed why things dont go in your nose.
Seriah has just started Girl Scouts and she is so excited. She has her second meeting tomarrow. She cant wait.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

small victories

Well in the last post i talked about Teleah when I put her to bed the other night. Well bless her heart when she woke up in the morning she informed me that she had thought about if she wanted to go to bed early again and she decided she did not! "So I will listen today so I don't have to go to bed to early AGAIN!" We had a good day she listened and went to bed at a normal time. Thank God for the small victories.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jesus please help me!

well Teleah is right in the middle of a new phase. She has decided to challenge every rule we have and every bit of direction I try to give her. I am very frustrated but alot of prayer is getting me through. She has gone to bed early for the last few nights for this reason. When we ot her in bed early again tonight I asked her if she remembered why she was going to bed early she said cause I doesn't listen. i said yes and are you going to listen tomarrow she replied I am gonna think about it tonight. The Lord has given me a very strong willed child so I know he will help me through I just need a little more assistance from him this week.
Seriah will be eight years old this week scary my baby is 8. We are having two b-day parties this weekend -what was I thinking? The kids party will be on saturday and our family cook out will be on Sunday. keep me in your prayers- PLEASE

Friday, April 25, 2008

not again you've got to be kidding me!

Well as most of you know Teleah broke her clavicle bone a few weeks ago. That is the bone that goes from the shoulder to about the neck. Well I thought it was tough dealing with her that first week I was so wrong, she is now tierd of sitting and feeling well enough to run around. Keeping this girl down is nearly impossible. She is climbing on everything with one arm I may add. Well this Tuesday I dropped her off at school came home and was going to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet. So I thought! As soon as I hit the couch the phone ring and its the school saying I needed to come get her she fell and was really hurting. So I get there she has a bloody nose, mouth and knees. She was running for a toy at the same time another boy in class was to and he pushed her and because she had her arm in the sling she could not stop the fall and went right on her face. So picture this my four year old daughter now has two black eyes and a swollen nose and fat lip that also is cut up her knees and shins are bruised and cut. Not to mention the sling she is also in. Then that night she was outside I was trying to get her inside for dinner and she fell and rolled over her shoulder, My first thought no joke by this point was not are you ok I thought you have got to be kidding me. She was fine I got her in she made it the rest of the night with no more spills. However I am investing in bubble wrap for this girl.

Monday, April 14, 2008

here is my little braced four year old. We are going today to get something more stable hopefully it will work better

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Oh man I love my girls

Well my little Teleah never stops amazing me. Today she woke up and she told me her arm hurt more than the other days, I asked if she needed to stay home from church? She replied "no i will be ok i need to go to church" She is so strong. We went to church and she was a little grouch but she was there. Then this afternoon Seriah came down with a fever and a throbbing headache and she feels horrible so she will also be home tomorrow man this week just keeps getting better but I thank God for the children he gave me and all the blessings he has given me and the strength he will give me and Sean and the girls to get through another week.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

One of those days!

Have you ever had one of those days that things seem to be going a little to smoothly then crash it all comes falling at once. Well today was that day for me. I was getting everything done I needed to get done and I had picked up a very whinny Seriah from school she finished her homework. Then I convinced her she needed to get back in her room to finish cleaning it when I heard a loud crash come from her room. It was Teleah, she had fallen of the bed. The timer had also gone off for dinner to be finished to. I pulled stuff off the stove and went toward the screaming. Teleah who is one of the toughest children I have ever seen would not let me check her shoulder or even pick her up because it hurt to bad. I called Sean at work for a heads up then tried to get the girls to eat. Teleah refused to use her right side of her body all through dinner and hardly ate. So Sean came home and I brought Teleah to the hospital and she broke her clavicle bone. So now my little baby is in a sling and we have to go see Otho tomorrow.
on a kinda funny note Teleah told me on the way to the hospital tonight she did not want to go to the hospital because she did not want her arm to fall off, I said what are you talking about your arm wont come off. She then informed me that Woody's arm from Toy Story 2 came all the way off. we then discussed that she is not a toy and Woody is. So we went on to the hospital and left with all limbs attached.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My New Adventure

Well this week I decide to do something about our financial issues. I am starting to sell Home Interiors. Don't worry this does not mean I am going to harass my friends and family. I am believing that if I just let people know that I am doing this that all will be taken care of. I am just really doing catalog parties unless someone insists on a regular party. So if you feel a need to order let me know and I will be happy to help you. I feel that if God wants this to work for me he will make the way.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I just thought you might get a kick out of this. Seriah was used as the mailer for Byrnes photography in Kankakee. This mailer was sent out to all of his customers. She was our little celebrity. She was also featured in a window display at the mall. She was probably like three and a half.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I hope you all had a gret Easter! It is fun to get together with family and just enjoy one anothers presence. We had a egg hunt and my Dad and Korky's. The girls love it so much. Seriah cleaned house she had twice as many as Teleah. One of Teleah's eggs had a dollar in it and she came running over to me yelling "I won I won" because she got a dollar. She ended up getting two dollars so she "won twices". Seriah got one five dollar bill and Teleah anounced she was "sorry that Seriah did not win as much as me" She still sees two bill as twice as much money as one five dollar bill. Seriah just let her believe that she won more. It was good for both.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Seriah and Teleah were in the paper

Seriah and Teleah were in our local paper this week. We went to the library to check out the cat in the hat party. The girls had lots of fun. They watched a movie, made hats, got their faces painted and played the apple toss. Teleah really like the apple toss she did it over and over again.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Report on Missions Trip to India

We will be giving a report on our mission trip to India nest Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. I would love to see as many of you as possible. There will be testimonies, videos, and pictures. All of you helped in some way whether with gifts of support or prayer you all helped in some way, and I thank you all for it.
hope to see you there.
In Christ

Sunday, March 9, 2008

where going

The time is coming that we are starting our fundraising for the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. Most of you know that this is a disease that affects me and Teleah. The Great Strides Walk is a fundraising event put on every year. I have gone every year since Teleah was born. The first year Teleah was only eleven weeks old and the youngest person there that had cystic fibrosis. The first year I was so heart broken and overwhelmed by what I was looking at for her future. It was through these walks that I began to realize that i was not alone and other families did understand. Last year I got to talk to a med student that had not chosen a field to go into we talked about the lack of knowledge in the medical community for this disease. I do not know if CF is what she went into but I am sure she is more aware. So it is not just the money raised but also the awareness raised. In past years it has been just me and the girls to go alone and all of these other teams of huge numbers with t-shirts to announce who they were supporting. This year that is my goal I do not want to go alone again I want a team of people. I want t-shirts. Teleah is now getting old enough that she feel different at school and church because she takes pills and other kids don't. This is one day she wont feel different and I want people there to support her.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sean is home

Sean has returned to us. When we went to pick up the girls at our friend Julies, Seriah was laying on the couch and when Sean walked in she leaped over the back of the couch into daddy’s arms. She was so happy to see daddy. Teleah on the other hand ran and hid from him and we could not find her. At first she didn’t want to talk to him, then half way home she began snuggling and hugging him. Sean tickled Teleah all the way home he said that he had missed her laugh so much. Today Seriah went to school and got an A on her math test. Hooray for her math is so hard for her. Teleah and Sean wrestled all afternoon, Teleah was in heaven. Thanks for all of the prayers and support everyone gave while he was gone. It was amazing when I saw him at the airport I was so exciting. I missed him so much. He has lost a lot of weight. We stopped and got hamburgers on the way home they all wanted BEEF. It was funny to watch the guys eat they ate like they had never eaten before. Sean was most excited about getting a DR.Pepper. He said he was craving Dr. Pepper so bad.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

He's Coming Home!

I just got off the phone with Sean. He is getting on a plane at about 1:30 am our time. He's comming he's coming. I can't wait to see him. The guys have already informed us that there will be a stop at Fudruckers the want a burger a big fat one. I cannot wait to see the girls face when they see daddy.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another email from Sean

Greeting to all. We are winding down our trip and we are all fighting weather or not we are happy to be going home, or sad we are leaving. Between the amazing move of the Holy Spirit we are seeing here, and the children that are to darn cute for our own good, it is going to be very difficult to leave here Monday morning. We fly out Tuesday morning at 4 am boooooooooooooooooooooooo. So please pray for safe travel and quick recovery of jet lag. Thank you for all your prayers and support, God is truly moving here. I love you all and hope to speak to all of you when I get back.
In Christ

Friday, February 29, 2008

One of those moments

Well as most everyone knows Sean is in India he will be back in three days. Well last night the girls where just mopey not particularly upset but not really happy either. We have been keeping a count down to daddy comes home on the fridge for the last week. Well after diner last night they where being just pitiful and Seriah asked if we could cross out that day on the calendar. I said sure and went over to do it and decided I would surprise them I started dancing all over the kitchen and chanting four more days four more days we can do it we can do it. Well Seriah laughed so hard she fell out of her chair. It was great seeing her so happy. So I had to make a fool of myself to get her there but we do what it takes sometimes.
Then tonight Teleah and Seriah got emails from daddy again and I was reading Teleah's to her and I asked her if she knew why daddy went to India? She then said "yes he's telling them in India that Jesus and God are the truth" She gets it I am so proud of her.
So in ending three more days three more days, we can do it we can do it!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Will he be here soon! This is a question asked by Teleah. Boy do we miss daddy. Tonight we had a huge blackout and we went to Reid and Diane's house so we would not freeze. then on the way home we ran out of gas halfin and half out of my own drive way. I am so tierd now. Reid brought me some gas. Big thanks to him. I am just ready for Sean to come home now. Seven more days. we will make it!

Will he be here soon!

Sean sent this to me!

Greeting to all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The crusades are done and what a series of meetings they were. Hundreds were saved, and hundreds more were healed and delivered by the power of the holy ghost. Monday we went to a youth gathering where one girl was saved, and several filled with the holy ghost. Tuesday, we went to a prison and were allowed to preach. About 25 to 30 men accepted Jesus for the first time, and a few more rededicated their lives to Him. The girls went to the womens prison and ALL thats correct ALL 20 women that were there accepted Jesus. Please Keep them in your prayers as the ministry that we went with, is out of bibles to hand out, and do not have the funds to purchase them right now. Keep us in your prayers as we have a week left before we fly home. For me personally, I haven't slept much so pray that I can get some rest.
That is all for now and please feel free to e mail me at any time.
In Christ
Sean Timothy

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sean called

Sean called this morning from India. He sounded good. He is missing the girls and me too. One more week and he will be home with us again. I can't wait to here all of his stories and learn what all has happened. I even can't wait to here him snore again and here is dumb jokes! Hehe!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sean's email from India

Greeting to everyone from the uttermost parts of the earth. I hope this finds you all well. I am doing very well. here. Gods grace is very sufficient. we are seeing God move in miraculous ways. People are being saved delivered and healed. More that we can count. The harvest here is very ripe. Please keep us in your prayers. We have 2 more nights of crusade meetings. Our portion starts at about 8:30 otr time which is 11 and a half hours ahead of you,( Thank you Jesus for jet lag). we are seeing the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit flow freely. Thank you to all of you who support me with your money and prayers. Without you this wouldn't be possible. Don't believe for a second that you don't have a part in this, and i pray that God blesses each of you for it. I will see you soon. Love to all of you.
In Christ

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Sean is curently in India he called yesterday and said it is just amazing there. He said that the people there are filled with such a joy and he is learning from them. The children ran along side the van as they arrived to shake their hands and greet them. I just know this trip will be life changing for him and our whole family. The girls and I miss him but we know soon enough we will see him and all will be great.