Monday, July 14, 2008

Wow oh wow oh man alive

Well it has been an amazing week! We had camp meetings this week with our church we had so much fun this week. We camped out for the second night! this was the very first time we had ever camped with the girls. We roasted marshmallows and made smore's (by the way it was the first time i had a smore and i liked it) Well then Teleah went to sleep fairly easy and i was in shock because as most know she just does not do well sleeping in groups. We all sept ok then around 6:30 am i was woken up to the girls screaming and crying because the tent wall on thier side had caved in from the wind and rain storm that had come on all of a sudden so we moved the to our side of the tent gave them some pop tarts while we tried to wait it out. Then as the tent was filling with water Teleah sat up and started splashing saying look mommmy i can splash so we got in the car and went home to dry off. The next night i stayed with some girls from church and we had a blast playing catch phraise til midnight. Teleah and Sean and Seriah went home they had enough with the water from the night before. But with all the fun the very best thing that happened in the camp meetings was that Teleah told me she wanted to ask jesus in her heart right in the middle of service so me and Sean took her outside and prayed with her. My little four year old when Sean asked her why she wanted to do that said "because Daddy I want to be with Jesus and the Holy Spirit" Wow she is four. So we prayed. Then the next day BOTH Teleah and Seriah were filled with the Holy Spirit in the childrens meetings. This was just an awsome week.


Mary Sue said...

I had no idea about T and S and the Holy Spirit--just about Teleah and accepting Christ. Sounds like it wasn't just the adults who came out new creations. Praise God!
BTW--great to see a new post!

Smileyface said...

i second that...great to see a new post ;) haa haa
that is so awesome about the girls!!! hallelujah! our God,He is Alive in Living Hope USA!!!!!

mjvan said...

That is awesome! I didn't know that happened either! Hopefully more people will share on Sun. My nephew that came was filled with the Holy Spirit on Friday too. He said he "felt all hot inside". I was really excited for him!

L Family said...

That's great!!! And you all had fun! We just finished up VBS and it's great to see the girls taling about having the Power to do things for Jesus and how He gives them that power! Don't you wish you were just that on fire at the age?