Thursday, December 25, 2008

to Santa or to not Santa

Well the other day I had to take the girls into the doctor again and as we were sitting and waiting for the doctor to come in the nurse asked Teleah so is Santa coming to see you and she says in a very monitone voice "Nope hes not real" very matter of fact way she said it to I almost choked and laughed at the same time. Seriah got all panicked and said yes he is. I asked Teleah why she thinks he not real she said well Anna told me and Emma doesnt believe he is real either. I said ok all the while Seriah is more panicked about this whole conversation. I told them some people believe Santa is real and some people believe he is not and if Teleah didnt want to believe she didnt have to and if Seriah wants to she can. I just found it funny that Teleah the youngest said this fact before Seriah. But then today Teleah was talking about Santa coming tonight so who knows. Se might believe but she also might not.

Today I fell on the ice and my kids just looked at me in shock. Then on the way home we did a donut in our driveway because of all this dumb ice I will be so glad when its gone.

I hope everyiine has a good Christmas tomarrow and remeber Jesus is the whole reason we celebrate this day. If not for him we would all be lost desperate souls wiith out any hope. He truly is the reason for every season.