Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New adventures

Wow where has this summer gone already. We have begun a new adventure in life that by the way I never would have thought I would have even entertained. We are now homeschooling! If I had been asked a year ago about this subject i would have laughed and dismissed it immediately. However when the Lord lays something on your heart He makes it very clear and something I could not escape. It started as a passing thought then more curiosity then a on going thought that would not go away. Then came conviction as this is what we are supposed to do. We are giving a trial run for the summer and it is going really well. I am very surprised to say that I love doing this I feel like I am getting to know my girls better that I ever have before. The girls grades have also been shocking they are doing great. I just love seeing the wheels turning and things beginning to click with them. The coolest thing was one night at dinner the girls began spouting out information they had learned that day about Illinois. I was so proud not only had the listened to it but they retained it. I was so happy.

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