Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well it has been a long time since I have posted but life around here got a little tense. Jayce was put back in the hospital and had to have another surgery, they unblocked his gallbladder and the ducts around it. Then after surgery his stomach swelled up so huge it looked like it would pop. He had a infection so he had to go on a complete seven day with out any food. So we were in the hospital for two weeks. It was long and hard. But we are home now and he is doing good. This has been such a trying time that I could not have gotten through with out my God and Saviour. he gives us strength when we don't think there is anymore in us he sustains us when we want to give up. He gives us hope when there is none, then he sends us people in our lives that help us out when we need it. I cant thank everyone enough for all the prayers, dinners and helping with the girls that was given our way. But most of all the prayers, thank you so much for everything.
I thank God everyday for the people in our lives.

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