Thursday, August 27, 2009

the first day of school

The first day of school….
Seriah started the fourth grade; I can’t believe my baby is in fourth grade. It seems like time is flying by. This year the school had to have another fourth grade class so Seriah got the class that is up in the fifth grade hallway and that means they are the only fourth grade class to get lockers. Lockers are so exciting it was all she talked about for weeks we even got her a locker mirror. It is so funny how something that might seem trivial is so exciting at this age. I am very blessed because Seriah has always and still does really love school she can’t wait to get there and look forward to what will happen every day if only I had that enthusiasm when I was her age I think school would have been easier for myself. So we try to encourage her love of school. She also is a very good big sister and has been coaching Teleah on school and how great it is. Teleah started kindergarten this week. She also could not wait to get there and wanted daily assurance that she would get to go all day everyday just like sister. Last year in preschool was half day three days a week and she wanted more. The morning of school both of them came running to our room yelling it’s the first day it’s the first day. They scared me since I was asleep until this happened but hey at least I am not fighting them out the door. So we dropped Seriah off at the bus and I took Teleah into her school. I had to run in real quick to make sure the teacher got some info first so I told Teleah to stand in the kindergarten line and not to move and I would be right back. She said ok and was fine with that well on my way back out the kindergarteners were walking in but there was no Teleah! I asked where she was and went outside and there she was standing right where I told her not to move. Bless her little heart she listened so I got her inside and she could not wait she posed for pictures and asked me to take more pictures. She was very brave until about five minutes before school started then she started to shrink. She was a little nervous but the teacher took her hand since Teleah didn’t want me to leave and she walked in. I of course walked away but snuck back to make sure she was ok and she was. After school she was all smiles and wanted to go again. Both girls had a blast at school and told me all about it after school. One good day down. Iwill post pictures when I get them

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


this weekend Teleah was baptised. She has been asking to be baptised for about a year but we were unsure if she really understood what it meant so we had her wait. However this summer she started to be able to tell us what it meant and was able to explain it to us,so we agreed. What an awesome experience to see this little child with such a passion for Christ. She is so full of zeal. She even lead everyone in a song of I cling to the cross by the way her favorite song. Sean got to help baptise Teleah and he was thrilled to do it. Sean has now helped baptise both kids and it is such a blessing to have children who both love Christ with all of their hearts what else could I ask for.