Sunday, June 28, 2009

two down and two to go

Well as many of you know this has been the summer of the babies at our church. The first two babies are now here the first was Hannah Grace, and now little Joshua David. They are both so precious and I just cant look at them enough. They give me constant reminder of what we are moving towards. Today was Laura's baby shower she is due in three more weeks yeah. It was so fun getting together with all the moms and discussing every one's tip from those who had just had babies to those who had grown children and even those with no current children. All the insight was great. I feel so blessed that God has given us this little guy growing in my belly as he kicks and moves around I feel so blessed. I cant wait to see his little face.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Good News

Well as many of you know we have been receiving a lot of difficult news at the doctors appointment for this pregnancy. However this time when we went it and had another sonogram the specialist said everything looked normal. Normal he said wow. The bowels were no longer showing up bright my placenta has moved up to where it should be. he still did not see the gallbladder but he said that does not really worry him. Plus the baby is measuring about two weeks big. So he is doing great. Hooray. we are still praying that he will not have cystic fibrosis but we wont know that until he is born. but prayer is already working with this little guy. thank you everyone for all of your prayers.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well today was Seriah's surgery it went really well. She woke up smiling they were amazed they said they had never had a child not wake up crying or screaming. She is sore today but doing well. Thank you everyone for your prayers. We will not find out the results of the byopsies til next week. but she is doing great.